
Hello I am Yashodhan Ghadge, I am better known as codexetreme online.

I am mainly work on devops and tinker with Kubernetes clusters, AWS, CI/CD, all things cloud.

In my free time, I play the piano, read books and maybe go for a walk. for my socials, please the footer of my blog to get direct links.

Apart from this, I also provide consulting services for small and medium sized organizations. For more details please see my consulting page.

Work Background

Enphase Energy (Nov - 2021 - present)

I am currently working as a devOps engineer at Enphase Energy. As I continue my journey, I will add more activities and details here about my work. So far I’ve worked on

  • Kubernetes cluster management for over a 100 microservices and optimizing the cluster for memory and RAM limiting

  • Setting up jenkins pipeline for CI/CD for deploying to various environments like ASGs, kubernetes clusters, Elastic beanstalk

  • Coordinated the effort for log4j CVEs -

    by tracking all active java deployments and patching the log4j version to 2.17 (at the time) and worked with enphase security to run realtime monitoring of potential threat actors

  • Setup alerts and monitoring and microservice integration with DataDog

IPLT Electric (may - 2020 to september - 2021)

IPLT Electric is a startup that focuses on manufacture and sale of electric trucks. These are industrial grade heavy weight vehicles with a carrying capacity of 80tons and and a range of almost 250kms on a single charge.

I was the team lead during my time here, and in that time, I have learnt and contributed to the software development and infrastructure managment using best principles on both fronts.

The overall result of my efforts caluminated in a system that ingests over 400gb of data per day from all of the company’s electric trucks and provides a real time dashboard to the company’s customers and R&D teams.

I list my work below in great detail to better explain my role and responsibilities.

DevOps/Infrastructure Engineer role

CI/CD and software management

  • Setup CI/CD Pipelines on bitbucket pipelines, and github actions
  • Migrated critical repositories from bitbucket to github
  • Setup NewRelic alerts and monitoring


Key points

  • Managed multiple Kubernetes clusters on AWS EKS with gitops, helm, argoCD and terraform
  • Setup RBAC on the Kubernetes clusters, so that multiple teams / devs could independantly deploy and manage their own applications
  • Setup gitops with argoCD, github actions and makefiles
  • Setup a Strimzi Kafka cluster on AWS EKS using kubernetes nodeAffinity and taints features to isolate the kafka pods on dedicated EC2 Vms for maximum performance and throughput
  • Setup Istio for mesh networking in the clusters.
  • Used packer to create AMIs which were then used in terraform to spawn ASGs and EC2 VMs
  • Used terraform to create and manage RDS, EKS, EC2, IAM access control
  • Terraform was setup as an automation job with CI/CD pipelines and gitops
  • Performed cost management and budgeting, and slashed over 25% of the monthly spends using AWS cost analysis tools.
  • Setup mongoDB atlas

Software Development

Ingestion pipeline

  • Setup an ETL Pipeline with kafka and perform rollups with 1 minute minimum resolution.
  • Used mongo DB as the backing datastore.
  • Whole system was setup as a microservices based architecture, with each microservice consuming a kafka topic and configuration information from a mongoDB collection.
  • The pipeline was based in java with a gradle build system.

Data exploration APIs

  • These were setup in golang due to its fast development cycles and low memory footprint allowed for rapid iteration and low resource consumption.
  • All the services were using gRPC communication and were mTLS enabled.
  • Forked and developed on an the opensouce gRPC cobra cli generator to automatically generate an upto date cli which was used heavily in running cron jobs and for internal use

Visualization and Reporting

  • Used lowdefy, which is an opensource tool that allows for rapid development of internal CRUD apps and admin dashboards.
  • Setup Redash as the dashboarding service where we created over 10 dashboard with over 500 queries that tracked realtime and rolled up metrics by various business requirements and R&D teams.

GMetri Inc. (2019-2020)

I was a full stack developer with Gmetri and worked on VR/AR tech.

I worked with observability and was on the team that built a custom inhouse monitoring solution using node, go and react

I also managed the staging and testing kubernetes clusters and build automation using argocd and helm

I worked on scaling postgresql and created inhouse fully automated backups and restore jobs using concourse ci/cd.

Educational Background

NIT Trichy

I graduated from the prestigious NIT Trichy as an undergraduate in computer science. The university is ranked 8th in India for engineering.